Policies and Program Expectations
Gym Rules
All parents must sign a waiver prior to their child's participation in any of our programs.
We invite all parents to stay and watch their child, however please do not address, or yell to your child during the practice times, this is not only distracting to the athletes but can be dangerous. Any discussions need to be had before or after practice so as not to disturb the other athletes.
All parents of children aged 5 and under are expected to stay for the duration of the practice.
Athletes are not allowed into the gym area until a coach is with them.
No food or beverages are allowed in the gym, athletes may bring a water bottle, but it will not be allowed on the equipment.
Any injury, whether it involved cheerleading or not, needs to be reported to the coach immediately.
There are no cell phones allowed in the gym area during practice times. Parents please be aware that sound does travel, have your phones on vibrate and speak quietly at all times so as not to disturb the athletes.
All athletes must arrive on time for all practices. Parents that are dropping off their child must ensure that they return in time for pick up.
Practices & competitions for competitive athletes are mandatory. Cheerleading is a team sport with stunts and choreography that involve multiple people. It is import to be at every practice to enable the whole team to participate in each practice. Should an athlete continually miss practices, it is the coaches discretion to decide whether or not to remove the athlete from the final performance or competitions in order for the remaining team members to be able to practice their whole routine safely.
If an absence is unavoidable, ie. the child has a contagious illness, please make sure to email the coaches prior to practice.
Please do your best to plan family vacations and regular doctor/dentist appointments around the practice and competition schedule, if there is a conflict please let the coaches know at the beginning of the season.
Personal Apperance
Once practice attire has arrived it must be worn to every weeknight practice. Until that time all athletes should wear either a t-shirt or tank top and close fitting shorts. Clean indoor runners must be worn at all times in the gym. Athletes will not be allowed to practice without shoes.
No jewelry is to be worn during practices. Please leave all valuables at home, Deep Blue Athletics will not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Hair must be securely tied back and out of the eyes for all practices.
No half tops are allowed for practices and please ensure all shorts are an appropriate length.

Poor behaviour from an athlete will be dealt with in an age appropriate manner. The coaches have the authority to remove a athlete from practice if they deem it necessary. Unacceptable behaviour that affects the well being of others on the team can lead to dismissal ie. bullying.
Any negative comments/photos about Deep Blue Athletics, it’s athletes or any other cheerleading program posted by athletes or parents on any social media, blog or website is grounds for immediate dismissal.
If you or your child has a concern in regards to the coaches or program of Deep Blue Athletics it is your responsibility to inform either your child's coach or the owners directly.
Abuse or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Please view our Abuse and Harassment Policy in regards to handling these types of situation should they occur.
At DBA, we will ensure that respect is of the utmost importance when communicating with parents, athletes and coaches. Our expectation is that all athletes and parents will do the same.

Guiding Principles